Questions & Answers

The MA state police face ongoing scandals over altering police reports and overtime sheets. Does this give me grounds to contest or question state police reports used against me in court?

The ongoing revelations of misconduct by the State Police are certainly disturbing. If you have not been following the scandal over the past year, here is a summary of what we have learned so far: -There has been widespread abuse of the overtime system by state troopers at least since 2011. Troopers would claim overtime for shifts they never worked.

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Swimming Pool Accidents in Massachusetts

In Massachusetts if you are the owner of a private pool, either as an individual, corporation or perhaps part of a club or association, or if you manage a semi-public or a pool open to the public you are responsible for knowing the regulations and laws regarding pool safety. Finding laws or regulations that govern safety issues for pools in

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Field Sobriety Tests in Massachusetts

In order to identify citizens who are driving under the influence of alcohol and certain drugs, police will often use Field Sobriety Tests to determine if a driver is under the influence. A driver is said to be under the influence of alcohol if their blood alcohol concentration is above 0.08%, and in commercial drivers the limit is set at

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Are Parents Held Accountable for “Social Hosting” ?

It’s well-known that the legal drinking age in all states, including Massachusetts, is 21. However, what about “social hosting”? Social hosting refers to providing alcohol or other illegal substances to a minor that is not your own child on your property or in an environment you control. Especially during graduation time, some parents reason if they provide alcohol at a

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What is Massachusetts Personal Injury Protection (PIP)?

In Massachusetts, when you’re injured in an auto accident, your insurance policy’s Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage should pay your medical bills and other expenses, but those aren’t the only benefits you’re entitled to recover. If you sustain a serious injury, an experienced personal injury attorney could also negotiate a settlement for damages due to your pain, suffering, any permanent

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What is reckless endangerment of a child under Massachusetts law?

When applied to children, it’s putting a child in grave danger due to negligence of a particular act. In the state of Massachusetts, it usually works under two different legal scenarios. The first is the act of creating the risk, and the second is not doing anything to prevent that risk. Creating Substantial Risk The first half of the Massachusetts

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Should You File as a Fault or No-Fault Divorce in Massachusetts?

Massachusetts divorce has specific rules that differ from some other states, specifically in two varieties of divorces. Filing for “no fault” or “fault” divorces might sound as simple as they sound. Regardless, both may not always be simple with “fault” divorces always being the most complicated. Some of the details involved can make even a “no fault” divorce more complicated

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