What happens if after we settle we determine we need further medical care and or have permanent disabilities?

Additional Information: Several months ago, my daughter and I were involved in a serious car accident in Hudson, MA. My daughter suffered a brain injury, among other injuries and was diagnosed as clinically depressed after the accident. I am having continued dibilitating migraines and am being monitored by a neurologist. Since we don’t know what our future medical needs will be, how do they calculate an appropriate settlement? The insurance company has already offered a settlement and we have no idea if it is appropriate or not. What happens if after we settle we determine we need further medical care and or have permanent disabilities?

Attorney Answer:

Brain injury cases are extremely complex and need a team of professionals to properly evaluate the case and help you towards resolution. Most importantly it is important to get your daughter proper medical care with a neurologist and a neuropsychologist. They can help determine the extent and duration of your daughter’s injuries. A lawyer who has had experience in the area of head or brain injuries can use that information to settle the case with the insurance company or persuade a jury.

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